Creating Back Cover Designs For Product Catalogs

Configuration of the back cover template can be found in the "Back Cover" tab. In order to activate the tab, check the "Show Back Cover" box in the "General" tab of the Report Manager.

Back cover template settings

The back cover template in product catalogs includes a section with your company contact details. You can configure color, font, position, height and width.

The bottom of the page will also include a link to the latest catalog version, if this function is turned on in the "General" tab.

Turn on the link ti new PDF-catalog

example of link to new catalog from cover page of PDF-catalog

You can select a background image and a stencil.

If your catalog is being prepared for publication, it is advisable to design the back cover in the same style as the front (or title) page.

Check out several back cover examples.

Пример задней страницы обложки

Пример задника каталога в салатовой гамме

Синий цвет задней обложки каталога

Образецзадней обратной обложки каталога в желтой гамме

Download an exampe of PDF-catalog with back cover page