Product Catalog Template for YouTube and PowerPoint - four items per frame
This pair of templates is designed for generation of product catalogs as MS PowerPoint presentations and their further saving as videos for posting to YouTube.
Such catalogs can be demonstrated as slide shows in presentations, published on your YouTube channel and embedded as videos to your website.
This template shows four product items per page.
It is represented in two versions: four products in one row or two rows with two products each. It includes a product photo, code and price. The first version also has a detailed product description.
In order to start working with these templates, click the PowerPoint button in the main menu of MyBusinessCatalog.
You will see a window with catalog settings and a list of templates. Select an appropriate template, specify its header and click the button Save Catalog as PowerPoint.
Then you can export the resulted catalog to a video file and post it to YouTube. Read more .