Publishing video catalog on your website
Before publishing a video catalog on your website:
-Prepare it
-Save it as video
-Publish it on YouTube
A video catalog can be prepared with MyBusinessCatalog software.
To embed the video catalog in your website, simply paste the following code to the required position:
<iframe id="ytplayer"
width="640" height="390"
width="640" height="390" - width and height of the embedded player.
You can set your own values with aspect ratio approximately 16:9.
autoplay=0 - if set to 1, the video starts automatically when the page is loaded; 0 - disables autoplay.
rel=0 - if set to 1, shows relevant videos after movie; 0 - disables relevant videos, as we don't need our competitors' commercials.
VIDEOID - your movie Id; something like 0vSowlswC0U - you can see it in the browser's address bar when opening your movie on YouTube.
![Where show Video ID on YouTube](getgvideoiden.png)
At the end, you get an embedded player with your video catalog.
An official user manual by Google on embedding videos for curious testers ) is available here.