Mobiliger - store in the pocket.

How it works: Install MyBusinessCatalog, create a Mobiliger account directly in MyBusinessCatalog, upload data from software to Mobiliger cloud storage...and that's IT!
All you have to do is place links in applications already published in PlayMarket and Windows Store, and both you and your customers will be able to use them!
Sell mobile, notify users by sending push notifications, stimulate repeat sales, be in the forefront of the latest technology marketers.
Screenshots of applications in various configurations

Users of your mobile catalog applications will be able to see information
about your company that can be subsequently modified (except for the names).
E-mail is used to send orders and technical notices.Several data centers are planned all over the world.
A data center may not be changed at a later date. To get you oriented, we will send you a one-month subscription to Ultimate free of charge.
The full data upload works with any version of MyBusinessCatalog, including the free one.
If a Mobiliger subscription is already active, the trial period for MyBusinessCatalog Free is automatically extended.


Please keep in mind that product lists in the applications are not updated
instantly, but rather in accordance with the parameters of the subscription, i.e. within 3 to 24 hours.
For testing purposes, you may repeatedly remove and install applications.
When notifications are sent to users, data is automatically updated.
Links to your applications

Sending messages

After uploading an updated product offering, send a message to all users of
your applications and of Android and Windows/Phone!
A similar mechanism guarantees delivery of messages to 100% of your users.
The message arrives as a push notification that, when clicked on, opens an
application page with a list of new offerings, and the information is
updated automatically.
The links to payment or subscription renewal - in the MyBusinessCatalog -

Uses: Installing links in your catalog applications on the website, in advertising materials, in business cards; use of applications by company associates; receipt and processing of orders from buyers.