Catalog software - Support

General questions
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc. please e-mail us at

Please send all questions regarding ordering and registration to e-mail:

Support and consulting
Contact technical support team and you will get a reply in one day, even during the weekend.
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Feedback form
Please use this form to ask question or report a problem or error. Describe the problem in details; this will help us solve it quicker. Once your inquiry has been reviewed by our technicians, the reply will be send to you to the e-mail address that you have provided with your inquiry.

When describing a problem, please also send us the following details:

Due to summer vacation, the processing time of the request can be extended to 72 hours

All the fields are mandatory.


If you have not received a response from us within 24 hours, please forward your inquiry to

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