What does PDF mean in general?
With no Wikipedia links being used,
I will present the very gist – a PDF file is an electronic version of
a document ready for printing on any device and any operational system
in the SAME form as it was created by its author.
This being said, you don’t have to print it, everything is perfectly well readable from the sreen. In case your customer is a big fan of old good paper, you can leave printing to him. But if you will need a printed copy (for an exhibition, for instance), you can send this file to a printing office for a high quality and low-price printing.
As far as, for all its “paper nature”, a PDF catalogue is still
a document readable from the screen, it has peculiarities that
are not typical for paper carriers.
Not to mention protection and other complicated things,
(after all we are talking about a publicly available document)
a PDF file can feature such a remarkable for our objective peculiarity
as a navigation bar – a table of contents, a click on an item of which
will direct us to the requested group or product.
Usually, in the course of creating a catalogue in an office suite, upkeeping of a correct table of contents doesn’t come easy.
In order to create a PDF catalogue, have a look at how it is done by MyBusinessCatalog: insert your products, select a suiatble template, and the programme will form a catalogue, title page and intercative table of contents

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