Templates for price list

Take a piece of paper, a ruler and a pencil, draw a chart and fill in your goods.
That’s basically it. Why do you need a template for price lists at all?

It sounds strange but no. Such a price list can’t suit anybody, including you in the first place.
This approach doesn’t satisfy even a coffee shop with its five best-selling products - an expert is engaged to draw a menu on a chalkboard. Otherwise the result will be the same as your handwritten price list.

So, we need a professional approach.
We have two challenges:
Actual list of goods as the contents of your future document
Design template as a beautiful wrapper, without which no one will ever look at your price list

It is also worth noting that you can enter your goods into a template of e.g. Excel only if you have one-time offers and a small range of products but if you want to change your product line, you will have to rewrite it from scratch.

See how it was implemented with MyBusinessCatalog. Data and design are not connected. You can change your assortment list or select a layout, suitable for your situation and product at any time you like.

The pictures below show how you can easily display different views of a single list of goods:

Sunset theme with trumbnail, 3 columns

Pale green theme

Air Force blue style

Tangerine yellow

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