PDF catalog creator

What’s the main difference of product catalogs in PDF, Word / Excel or a hard copy?

The first and foremost one is that the PDF catalog can be viewed on literally any device under any operating system, both desktop and mobile. The format guarantees identical appearance and, when necessary, even includes required fonts in the document.

At the same time, other formats may require special viewing software do not guarantee that your customer or partner will see the same data the way you see it.

Unlike a hard copy, a PDF catalog of goods may also include an interactive table of contents that provides a convenient navigation through the document. In a product catalog, it could contain either the full list of available items or just the groups of items.

If your job is a PDF catalog creator, we recommend you to review how it is handled by MyBusinessCatalog. The solution includes numerous templates for literally all tasks and product types.

Content in the PDF catalog - groups only

Content in the PDF catalog - groups and items
For further information please see: Article on a related topic.